Bank reporting & analytics


The right information at the right time is not just a nice slogan. It is a vital necessity for any financial institution that wants to operate successfully in the modern world conditions.

These conditions may be described as:

  • high competition in the market of financial services
  • compliance with the requirements of national regulators and supervisory bodies
  • the need to reduce costs and attract the more clients

The key role in the ability of the financial institution to operate successfully in those conditions plays the quality and availability data, which is used and processed by the bank. In some cases, the tools used in banks for the reporting and analyses do not ensure the integrity of the data used. They also do not allow the fast processing of large amounts of data, both structured and unstructured data, with a high rate of accuracy. Most types of data analysis performed by financial institutions are not systemized and serve mostly for short-term analysis. Today, for the institutions in-depth analysis is needed, which enables the financial institution to move from a model of “prevention and response” to a “planning and management” model.

Modern analytical systems provide an opportunity to process all available information, including the operations of customers in a variety of systems and channels; customer data, market indicators, domestic banking, information from data warehouses, and other systems of the bank.

DATAS Technology provides the following services:

  • development and implementation of systems for the formation of regulatory and mandatory reporting
  • development and implementation of industrial data storage technology based Oracle and Teradata
  • implementation of Business Intelligence systems
  • introduction of Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications
  • implementation of Oracle to work with Big Data